Entries by Frank Doorhof

Ask away Question 1

Today the first question from our “Ask Frank” blog post. I would like to ask you about the setting that you use usually for the skin tones in your images. how do you do to get this skin tone in PS or using any filter?   Another question is related to Photoshop. if I use […]

Sigma 120-300 f2.8 OS HSM

Today a small “review” on the Sigma 120-300 f2.8 OS HSM EX lens. For years I’ve been using the Canon 100-400L for most of my sports and “private” work, and although I love the lens I sometimes missed shooting on f2.8 especially with soccer, however also realizing that long f2.8 lenses are incredibly expensive and […]

New images Angela

Today some new images from Angela from a few weeks ago, shot during workshops. For me smoke is always a magical ingredient. When ever you’re stuck in a location (or creative) add some smoke and voila in 90% of the cases it’s the thing missing. Sometimes we will use smoke as “mist” and sometimes as […]

Your questions….

For the coming two weeks I’m forced to cancel my shoots and workshops due to a problem with my knee. I got this during the filming for the KelbyTraining videos (imagine how awesome the videos will be :-)), so that means that I have less images/video to fill the blog, so I thought maybe it […]