Entries by Frank Doorhof

Vienna Day 2

Today some images from our second day in Vienna. At the moment we moved from Vienna to our location to teach the workshops, and you probably already saw some images coming by via Google+ and twitter. But today I share some streetstyle images I did during our stay on day 2 in Vienna.

Vienna Prater – day1

After yesterdays post I did not want to overload you with more images so I decided to keep the “Prater” images for today. Prater is a large park in Vienna with a lot of different activities, one of the most famous ones is without a doubt the “carnaval”, I loved just walking around there, it’s […]

Impossible project

The promised post about Prater will be tomorrow because today I have another very special blogpost. Tonight I visited “the Impossible Project” store in Vienna. For people that do not know what the impossible project is, a very short piece of history, when Polaroid stopped production a lot of people were “devastated” who did not […]

Vienna Day 1

At the moment I’m in Vienna Austria. From Wednesday till Friday I will be teaching 3 full day (intense) workshops in some awesome locations, like castles, so this promises to be amazing. There are still 1-2 seats available I heard, so surf to http://www.photoconvention.eu and book your seats. But the first 2 days we’re in […]