Entries by Frank Doorhof

ET highway

For a long time the town of Rachel and the so called ET highway have been high on my list to visit. Now don’t get me wrong I don’t believe in little green men, or UFOs, although….. well ok not really. What I do find fascinating is that whole highways, secret bases and most of […]

PhotoJoJo cool presents for Photographers

Small gifts for great photographers by Annewiek Doorhof   A few weeks ago I saw an add of PhotoJojo.com (Google knows my interests, mmm). This online webshop sells the most marvellous stupendous outrageous fantatabulous prodigious tremendous photography curiosities on earth. Really these are their own words. They have been mentioned in Scott Kelby’s online show […]

Center focus point or something else

Now this question is asked a LOT and I really mean A LOT. “Frank why do you move your camera up and down?” “Which focus point should I use?” Both questions actually boils down to the same answer. I grew up with analogue photography, meaning focussing manually with a great (and sometimes not so great) […]