Entries by Frank Doorhof

Small flash workshop Santa Cruz

Today some images from the Small flash workshop I taught in Santa Cruz. As you might know I use the Rogue flashbender products a lot and over the last few years we have been become close friends to the team at Expoimaging, which resulted in the invite to visit their headoffice in Santa Cruz after […]

Final images USA

Today some of the left over images from our stay in the US in September. And of course some tips which you maybe can use for your own photography. At the end of each day the sun goes down (duh), and of course we’re not always in an area where we can make stunning sunset […]

San Francisco

One of the cities I always wanted to visit was San Francisco, the amazing roads you see in so many movies, the beautiful skyline etc. Now we never really have a lot of time during our trips, but we did manage to squeeze in one day for San Francisco. Hope you enjoy the images.

Road to Buellton

A few years ago during a workshop I taught in Los Angeles I met up with Dwight and his family and we immediately became friends, during one of our travels we stayed at Dwights house several days in which he showed us the area and because we had 2 days off this time we wanted […]