Walking on Urk
You might wonder if I made a mistake in the topic title… but I actually did not.
Urk is a place that’s very close to our home town Emmeloord and we always try to bring guests there to visit the harbour and walk through the streets, it’s without a doubt one of my favourite places to test new gear.
Today in the blog some images I shot with my Samsung Ultra 22 phone while visiting Urk with a friend.
Oh you of course want to know why I did not make a mistake right?
Well normally you would indeed say I’m walking in Emmeloord, but with Urk we actually say on because Urk is an island, although now a days it’s mostly just a town with a harbour, in the not so distance past it was a real island in the “Zuiderzee” which later became “IJsselmeer” and it’s still custom over here to say that we are walking on Urk.
Anyway, here are some of the images