Tip : roads

Leading lines are incredibly important in photography, we all know that….
But did you know that when you shoot roads you can get some amazing results if you shoot it under different angles and if the road “leads” somewhere “interesting”…. of course you know, but let’s give some tips that I find interesting with roads.


  1. Low angle
    Absolutely love this, put your camera on the road, close the aperture and shoot. Make sure you have someone with you to check for traffic, otherwise it will probably be your last shot
  2. Through the windshield of the car
    I’ve had great succes with this technique, make sure to choose a faster shutter speed, and for your own safety make sure you have control over your vehicle, it’s NEVER worth an accident, don’t think about your safety but also of that of others, that being said, the results can be amazing, I often let Annewiek drive (or someone else) and shoot through the windshield, I’ve heard many times “that will never work” but most of the time it works just great
  3. Same as 2, but now also zoom a little bit
    Gives GREAT sense of motion, can give awesome results
  4. Be creative
    Roads can look awesome when zoomed in with a long lens, or stretched with a wide angle. With the long lens all the street signs and other objects will be compressed together, plus when it’s hot you get that awesome hear signature on the road, while with the wide angle everything looks FAR away.

Some samples from our recent trip to Sweden.
If you have cool shots from roads let me know and post them on social media below this post.






And some older shots I love with roads and several techniques.

Dubai 6 November 2012 C2 -  (347 of 359)-Edit

Dubai 6 November 2012 C2 -  (352 of 359)-Edit

Dubai 6 November 2012 C2 -  (359 of 359)-Edit

Driving to vegas  - 209 - July 17, 2016__DxO

Driving to vegas  - 144 - July 17, 2016__DxO

Driving to vegas  - 118 - July 17, 2016__DxO

Tenerife A7r  (734) February 04, 2015-Edit

Augustus 27 2014 NY  (98 of 222)_DxO

April 10 2014 -163-Edit

April 10 2014 -161-Edit



