Alternative light sources Part IV

Today the final part of the blogposts based on the workshop “alternative light sources” with Nadine.
Today in the final part we used just the light emitted by the small lamp Nadine is holding.
Due to some of the spill light from the studio we got this crazy (but cool) mixed color in the shot which I personally love.

I placed Nadine on top of 4 chairs we stacked.
Settings on the camera were (like with the previous posts) :
AV, AutoISO, minimum shutter speed and I used EV to correct the image until I liked what I saw.

Using a light meter in these kind of situations doesn’t really make any sense because Nadine is constantly changing the position of the light source. This is a great way to practice your skills and possibilities to adjust on the fly 😀

Nadine May 7  2016 1576 1

Nadine May 7  2016 1584

Nadine May 7  2016 1587


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