Alternative light sources part I
One of the things a lot of people associate with model photography is strobes, speed lights, studio, battery powered etc.
During one of my workshops called “Alternative light sources” we also look at the more “alternative” light sources and how to combine them. The following blogposts will be about these “alternative” light sources and I’ll give you some tips and share some of the images we shot during that workshop with Nadine.
Today we look at using Led panels as the main light source (and only one in this case).For this series I used the LedGo panels.
Of course you can mount them on a stand and use them as normal strobes, but it’s much more fun (and interesting) to let the model play with the panels, this way you can include the panels in the shot, but also get unique looking images.
Settings on the camera were :
AVmodel, AutoISO and a min shutter speed (of where you feel comfortable).
Normally I always use a light meter but for these shots that’s pretty much useless because the model keeps changing the distance and position of the light source, this is why it’s great to have the EVF with setting effect from the Sony which gives me a WYSIWYG effect (What You See Is What You Get). If you don’t use a camera with that option you can always use the backLCD of course. With EV control (Exposure Compensation) you can change the look of the shot and see exactly the end result.
Here are the results.