Guest blog Brendan Stewart : Weddings ? yes Weddings….
In our series guestbloggers today it’s time for a very dear friend of ours, Brendan Stewert.
A time ago Brendan approached me if I would be interested in doing a workshop in the Boston area and we started a very nice mail conversation and I think we hit it off right away. He visited the Netherlands for a 1:1 workshop and a nice diner (:D) and during that time we decided it was probably wise to move the workshops to New York which became a huge succes.
We never lost contact after the workshops and we are now planning some workshops in the Boston area in 2011 in his brand new (awesome) studio complex.
For me Brendan has an unique look to what he does and is without a doubt a photographer worth following, and now before I’m taking to much blog space myself, here he is Ladies and Gentleman… (always wanted to say that) Brendan Stewart :