Dublin sightseeing day
Today it was the day we have planned for sightseeing.
When we do the workshops abroad we always try to plan 1-2 days for ourselves to also see some of the area and visit some locations that are interesting. In this case the Irish weather does not help, it’s raining almost constantly, but somehow (call it a wonder) the only hour that was dry was the hour we visited Trim castle, the location were Braveheart was filmed (6 months). We always love castles so this one was high on our list.
After that it was back to Dublin to visit a large shopping mall to kill the time, it was too bad outside, however even in the rain I tried to also do some street photography, it’s something completely different than what I normally do but I still love it and am trying to improve in that department every time we are in a large city. And as you can see in the opening shot, there are always people that do the same thing even when it rains.
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