Apple ?
I’ve really been in doubt about what to write for todays blog post.
I’m normally not the person to post something that is not a bit photography related but I decided that in fact this was photo related and not in a small sense so I thought why not.
This has been a shitty week for us.
First we found small lumps in the neck of our cat Joey, a few months ago he was given up and had maybe 2-3 weeks to live, however we found a doctor that was willing to do a very risky operation and much to our surprise Joey recovered and it looked like the cancer was gone. Up until a few days ago when we felt small lumps again and we just felt it was wrong…. we went to the same doctor and got the horrible news that it was spread out and this time there really was nothing more he could do. We will give Joey a really nice few last days or hopefully weeks. For some people it’s just a pet, but for people like us he is part of our family and has been for about 14 years so he will be greatly missed when the time is there.
Yesterday morning I woke up with the sad news that Steve Jobs of Apple died, and although we all knew he was very ill this still was a shock. For me it’s a bit of a addition to the shitty feeling I already had making my week even worse. Now one could say that Jobs was just someone you don’t know but although for us the passing of Jobs is not something that we will experience as the loss of a family member or even friend it’s still something that made me stop and also gave me a very sad feeling, in this blog post I want to pay my respects to someone that I think changed the world, well at least also mine.
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