My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Happy Birthday Annewiek

Normally I don’t post a blogpost on Sunday, however today there is a special occasion.
Today my wife Annewiek celebrates her 37th birthday.
Sometimes you just know that you found your soulmate and with Annewiek I know this for sure. She is always with me during the workshops abroad and is responsible for most of the filming of our instructional DVDs, so a lot of you guys abroad know Annewiek, today we will be celebrating her birthday with a nice diner with our family and of course a nice relax day.


It would be cool if a lot of people congratulate Annewiek via this blog or via her Facebook on
Thanks in advance 😀

Monique compositing

This week Monique visited our studio for a quick photo-shoot, her idea was to do something with a mime/clownesque looking outfit. When I saw the clothes I decided this was not something to just shoot in the studio and thought it would be nice to make it a little bit more “surreal”.

So here are my favorite shots of the day.

First two “normal” images, just enhanced the color a “little” bit.
And now the two composites.


As many of you may already know I’ve been doing some video the last year.
In the mean time we shot 3 music videos and of course some instructional DVDs and videos.
When the 5DMKII came out I ran to the store to get one due to the options for video, and man has it been a journey, over time it has become better and better. At first it was really awkward to handheld the camera because there was just too much movement, however first there was the amazing Zacuto viewfinder attachment and later many more products caught my eyes. Today however I want to introduce you to a brand I really think you should check out because I think they make some of the most amazing rigs out there…… Edelkrone. In the Netherlands you can find them at several dealers but the distributor is (really nice guys so drop them a mail if you’re interested)

edelkrone – modula rigs – comprehensive demonstration from edelkrone on Vimeo.

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Professional Imaging 2012

The place to be in the Netherlands for your Photography needs, well ok it’s no Photoshop World but it’s pretty cool and it’s free.
During 3 intense days (11-12-13 March) you can see a nice exhibition with all the big brands, and the whole day there will be demos by the exhibitors and on the main stage (Adobe theater).

I’ve been demoing there for many years on the Elinchrom/Fotoflits booth, and of course this year will be no exception although I will have some surprises for this year that are unique and that I’ve never done before during a show. Plus this year I will be teaching a seminar each day on the main stage (free), two will contain a live shoot (one small flash, one Elinchrom strobes) and one will be about getting your shots better with simple tricks. If that is not enough for you (and who blames you) there is also a 3 hour masterclass I will be teaching on Monday. You can now register for that one via and the fee is 59.95 euros. In this Masterclass I will teach several techniques to control your light and understand the light meter, but also a lot of shooting tips, gear tips, information about workflow, medium format vs DSLR, business tips and much much more, concluding with a live shoot and retouch.

Frank Doorhof from PI2012 on Vimeo.


I can’t yet tell the names from the other photographers that are on the Professional imaging, but trust me it are friends of mine and they ROCK!!!!
So surf to and register for the exhibition, it’s free !!! and you really, really can’t afford to miss this.


I will be bringing some of the best models I work with including Nadine with her extreme styling ideas it’s a blast just to watch her, and of course one of my all time favorite MUAs Linda from BeautyFX