My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Ask away Questions 5

I hope you guys still like this series, otherwise just tell me 😀
Today part 5.
And again a two parter.

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Ask away Questions 4

Today part 4 in the “ask Frank” question series.
Again I’m gonna combine some questions.
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Ask away Questions 3

Today part III of the “ask Frank”.
I’m gonna combine a few because so many questions have come in.

I have been shooting for a few years now and I believe that I have a pretty solid portfolio. I’ve showed it to several pro photographers and have received very positive feedback.
My question is: What would you do if you were in my position and your goal was to start working professionally in advertising or fashion?Thank you!!


I would love to hear anything on your marketing and business strategies. You are consistently putting out killer work but how did you go about getting the world’s attention with it? More precisely, what are the top two or three methods, disciplines or strategies that you feel have contributed most to your success?

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Jeremy Cowart

Today a first, meaning I normally don’t do this, but who knows….
After I joined KelbyTraining a lot of things have changed for me, being part of the “dream team” PhotoShopWorld instructor team also means that you get to hang out with some of the best photographers in the world. My first PSW (both terrifying and exhilarating) was also the first time I met Jeremy, he had a defective MBP and because we both shared the same stage I offered him to use mine and we got talking, soon the help portrait movement was brought up and I was asked to do something in the Netherlands (which I did and it has been one of the most rewarding things I ever did, mentally).

My first impression of Jeremy was that he was a real person, not someone who just “plays” the part and thinks something else. During that PSW I also got one of his “LifeFinder DVDs” a DVD I highly recommend. It’s not a DVD that is 100% aimed at the technical part of photography but more on the creative part and the way to build a good portfolio with images that are different and will let you stand out. Normally I always feel the need to fast forward instructional DVDs and videos because I’m always in a hurry and I don’t have the “rest” to watch something from beginning to end, exceptions are for example the great videos on KelbyTraining with Jay Maisel and……. the LifeFinder DVD so make sure to check it out. Don’t get me wrong by the way, I watch a lot of the stuff on KelbyTraining and I love it, but I will often divide it into “watching sessions” when I watch more than an hour in one sit it’s really special 😀

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