My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Adobe and the cloud

Ok, so Adobe goes Cloud only.
We’ve read a lot of comments, and of course there are negatives and positives, let me give my opinion, and feel free to add or comment (agree or disagree).


Let me first take away some questions I read over and over, but do remind that I’m not an Adobe sales person, attached to Adobe or whatever, the answers come from just reading the website and working with the Creative Cloud for a year now.


Q1 : I don’t have access to internet so Adobe sucks…..
There is absolutely no need for internet, you can work just fine without an internet connection, the apps are on your hard drive, the only time you need a connection is for updates (and that was always the case) and once every so often the software wants to check your subscription (probably once a month). We work a lot in situations where I don’t have internet on my laptop and it always works.


Q2: Adobe controls all my work because it’s online, bad Adobe…..
Where do you get that idea?
It’s like facebook and Google+ you don’t HAVE to upload your images, in my case there is not one image online (at the moment), I work just like with previous versions of Adobe software, all on the hard drive, with our upload speed it also would not be a good idea 😀



Q3: I’m so angry, I just bought CS6 and now I’m forced into the cloud, while normally I would just skip an update….
Who said that CS6 would stop working?
Adobe is supporting CS6 at the moment, releasing bugfixes etc. but as soon as Photoshop CC will be released in June they will probably stop improving it, like they did with CS5, CS4 and everything before that. Just hang on to your CS6, no reason to switch to the cloud.


Q4: It’s so expensive, and I only use Photoshop.
Then only subscribe to Photoshop….
Buy Lightroom and take a subscription to Photoshop and you’re all set, you’re not forced to subscribe to the whole suite 😀


Q5: It’s so expensive, my business will go bankrupt.
If your business can shelve out 1K+ for a suite at once but cannot pay $50.00 a month for a subscription or $19.95 for one app I think you might be looking into doing something else, if you use Photoshop this means a 0.66 cents per day for the use of Photoshop…..
Let me see you probably spend more on starbucks in 2 days than Photoshop in a month, you probably spend way more on internet OR Xbox live OR HBO OR a sports channel etc. than on renting the whole suite which actually makes you money 🙂
Now don’t get me wrong, I also would love to be able to subscribe to the whole suite for $20.00 a month, but that’s not possible and it would probably mean that Adobe would spend less time on R&D and that’s a really bad thing for the software I earn my money with. Now you know I’m always a friendly kind of guy but if your BUSINESS can’t survive because you have to pay $19.95 a month for software I’m afraid it’s no use continuing your business.


Q5A: I’m a hobbyist
Ok in that case I get it, but let’s look at it from this side.
In the past you had to pay a lot of money for the software now it’s a spread out payment over 1-2 years, and don’t get me wrong I understand that it’s a lot of money, but in exchange you’re always up to date, you’re always running software that is supported and you don’t have to shelve out the money at once.


Q6: I’ve had it I’m gonna switch to the competition
With all due respect… but what competition?
And this is probably also where Adobe is getting a lot of heat from, people are frustrated because they probably do realize there is no competition, well at least not for some people. For the hobbyist there are some alternative, for example Pixelmator, Gimp, Paint, Photoshop Elements, Lightroom, Aperture it all depends on what you need and what you want. For the full blown options of Photoshop, all the plugins etc. there is no alternative (or at least not what I found).


Now my responses do seem a bit harsh, a bit Adobe colored, but again let me make 100% clear that I’m not attached to Adobe, I’m not on Adobe’s pay list and I’m sure not being paid for this blogpost. My own response to the whole cloud idea was very positive at first (and still is) for the simple reason that although I earn my money with photography and Adobe products I always had some trouble shelving out 1K+ for a complete suite and several hundreds at once for the upgrades, not that I don’t have the money but it’s always a moment off….. oempf doesn’t CS4 still work…. well ok but I want the new features, and I always lost to myself and upgraded. Now we have the cloud with a fixed fee per month, I can deduct this from taxes and I’m always up to date, I don’t have to worry about updates mid year which makes my old version obsolete for some features etc. I somehow like that idea. But I’m a business. Would I get into the cloud as a hobbyist… well yes for Photoshop, no for premiere. And don’t get me wrong I LOVE Premiere (and if you see what’s coming you love it even more) but FcPx is a good alternative for hobby work (great alternative by the way), so if I was not shooting as a business I would buy Lightroom and “lease” Photoshop meaning my monthly costs would be half of what I pay for my internet access, and I think that’s a pretty sweet deal, especially as a hobbyist I can’t shelve out a lot of money at once for my hobby so why not “lease”, on the other hand….. if I sometimes see what hobbyist pay for L glass, new pro bodies, a third 50mm lens because a review site says it’s 10% sharper in the corners etc. I do wonder…. 😀


Now my ideas about the cloud.
1. the whole cloud idea is genius.
All your software up to date whenever you want it, as soon as there is a small update or a new camera out there it can be updated right away. The interaction between devices should work a lot better when you use the cloud etc.


2. switching to subscription only…. Happy with that one.
If you (like me) need Premiere and Photoshop I’m paying a subscription that for a company is doable, I can use it on two machines (make that 4 and I’m happier) and I’m always up to date…… however.


3. switching to subscription only Part II…. Not so happy with that one.
Pricing is higher than before (considering full price and full suite), BUT that’s understandable, it’s a different concept with also a big advantage… when you only need Photoshop you can only subscribe for Photoshop, or only Premiere, and that’s amazing option, although I think it should be a bit cheaper because there is no more media to ship around, what I don’t like is that if I don’t have the money anymore to pay my subscription I’m stuck with….. nothing, not an old version, not a version that will still work… nothing.


What would be a good option?
And remember it’s just me, I don’t know if Adobe would listen to me but “hey who knows” 😀
I would have no problem with a system where you take a 2 year subscription and only with that subscription you own the software that you are using at the end of your subscription, if you continue for a year or a month or whatever after that, that’s ok but after that initial 2 years you will own the software so if you stop paying Adobe will freeze your software versions and you can still work with it.


Take a new subscription and you can work with the newer versions.
This way you are not “forced” into the cloud and subscriptions
Let’s say you decide to stop paying for example for Premiere because you are switching to Avid or FcPX, in the present setup you would never be able to open your old projects anymore, with the 2 year/freeze system you would at least be able to open your old work.
Overall I think it’s exciting to see what Adobe is doing, it’s also without any doubt pushing away some customers, especially people who don’t have the budget for subscriptions, but are able to buy the software once and use it for some years (a lot of my students still work with PS CS4).


What’s your idea ?

Santa Cruz (California) September 14th

On September 14th we will be in Santa Cruz, California to teach a very special small flash workshop.
Together with our friends from Rogue (Expoimaging) I will guide you through several setups with the flashbender products. We will be shooting both on location (outside) as inside to give you a complete overview of what’s possible with small flash and the Rogue products.


This is NOT a “commercial/sales” workshop but a real workshop with the topic small flash.


Topics will be :
Working with E-TTL, why/when E-TTL fails and how to solve it, color calibration in your workflow, using strobe as fill in/fight the ambient/create day to night, coaching the model, learn your angles to create interesting shots, creating high contrast lighting with 1-2 lights max, understanding light behaviors and how to manipulate light to do what you want, working with strips, soft light, hard light, gels, grids and much much more.


All the workshops are 100% flexible to the needs of the group and are started with an intense Q&A and information part in which “everything goes”.
Book your seat now for the early bird offer of US 350.00 (normal price US399.00)
Max group size is 15 so be quick normally they fill up pretty fast.


Cameratools strobist april 26-117-Edit


Dubai 11 November 2012 desert  (75 of 409)-Edit


Myam 5 April 2011 - 203

Answers X-rite webinar

During the webinar for X-rite there are always questions I answer right away, but sometimes that’s not possible and I get the questions after the webinar. Today the answers from the webinar.


Q: Hello Frank, some photographers, including me, mainly rely on Lightroom actions to process the images. It seems that you only involve Lightroom as a library and to color-correct with the X-rite Colorchecker. Don’t you consider using Lightroom to do the main processing of your photos in order to speed up your workflow as you can avoid a photoshop step?

A: You know it depends. I love Lr a lot, and don’t worry I’m not only using it as DAM system I use almost all my filters also straight from Lr, however with most fashion work I do I will have to retouch the skin (a little bit or a lot) because this works faster with layers I will make the jump to Photoshop, this is really easy (one click) and after saving it stores the files in Lr so there is no extra import. Whatever works fastest. If I can I will stay within Lr, however sometimes it’s faster to go to Photoshop.

Read more

No blog today….

No blog today, because……
I’m celebrating my 42nd birthday……


But I do take time to thank all of you for visiting my blog over and over again and leaving comments on most of the post I do. Maintaining the blog is a big task because I want to update it daily but thanks to you guys I love doing it, and when we hit the 1 millioned visitor not so long ago I thought it would take some time to double that, however much to my surprise we’re already very close to 1.7 Million at the moment which means the blog is really growing extremely rapidly, and that really needs a thank you to all of you.


Keep reading and spreading the link to the blog 🙂
Thanks guys…. but now it’s time for some party time.
CU tomorrow.


Ok normally you get gifts for your birthday but I’m in a giving mood 😀


We have a special super deal for ALL our instructional downloads :

Fashion and glamour 1 and 2 : 20.00
Guide to model photography : 20.00
Light 1 and 2 and 3 : 25.00
Live in Boston : 35.00


All prices in Euros and per video.
Now if you think “this is insanely low !!!!” you are right… but if you order between now and May 7th 0:00 and use the coupon code “birthday” when checking out you will get a cool 15% discount….


Feel free to spread the word, because the more people download the more you support our work of course.