My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Some images from PSW

Just three images today, first up two images from one of the best landscape and aviation photographers out there (I think) Moose Peterson. During the pre-con I went with Moose to fantasy of flight to shoot some airplanes and re-encators (I will post images of that later), and finally one image I shot while walking during PSW, as you can see sometimes people really have to recharge 😀

April 16 2013 PSW  (164 of 652)-Edit

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You already read about Loes in the blogpost about hair, but today the rest of her shots from that workshop.
Realizing this was her first ever workshop for me…. I think we will see her again 😀

Loes April 5 2013- April 05, 2013 - 7-Edit

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The UK tour

As you might already know we are doing a very special UK tour in May.
Together with Nadine Stephan I will teach a full day workshop with a small group of students covering literally everything from finding your model to the shoot and the retouching, in between Nadine will take over and talk about styling on a budget and how to be creative on the spot. We teach this combination workshop also in the Netherlands and it’s a huge success, mainly because styling is often overlooked as a vital part of an important session and during this workshop all the dots will be connected, so be prepared to be inspired.


You can now register via our friends from the Flash Centre who were so kind to organize everything, and when I saw the locations….. oh WOW we can’t wait, so expect the best we can offer, the locations are jaw dropping and I already saw some of Nadine’s ideas….. well to make a long story short you really don’t want to miss these.


The tour will consist of an evening seminar with loads of technical information on metering, calibrating your workflow, getting better shots during fashion/model and street photography and much more, actually the seminar part is aimed at both the model and street photographer. And of course the full day workshop.

real image shot during one of these workshops.

real image shot during one of these workshops.


London – Legoland Windsor 
Monday 20th May
All Day Workshop – 9.30am-5pm
Evening Seminar – 7pm-10pm


Midlands – Studley Castle
Wednesday 22nd May
All Day Workshop – 9.30am-5pm
Evening Seminar – 7pm-10pm


Edinburgh – The Glasshouse Hotel
Friday 24th May
All Day Workshop – 9.30am-5pm
Evening Seminar – 7pm-10pm


The daytime workshops will be a mix of location shooting, seminar and Q&A and are limited to 19 people. A buffet lunch is included.
Workshop tickets are £169

There will also be options to shoot some images yourself, however we have limited this time to put as much information as possible into the workshop, but from every setup there is a chance to take a killer shot.

Workshop images NJ day 2

Today some images from day 2 from the New Jersey workshops.
Also here I played with several new presets so all images are tinted differently.

NJ April 14-733-Edit

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