My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Workshops Austria July 14-18

On July 14-18 I will be teaching workshops in Austria.
I’ve also done this show last year and can already tell you that this will be one of the highlights of the year, amazing locations, stunning models and LOADS of inspiration 😀
Workshops 19 Juli 2012 C60 - 0378
See for bookings.
Also this year there is an amazing line up with names like Gerry Frank, Ondro Ovensy, Jamari Lior, Krolop and Gerst, Robert Pichler, Juri Tscharyiski, Calvin Hollywood…. etc.


For me these workshops are always a special occasion to go completely into overdrive mode because let’s be honest with amazing locations like castle and the ability to to 100% what you want with a small group of students is always a guarantee for portfolio material not only for the students but also for me 😀 I will be discussing and showing the following items (and much more).


Q&A, Metering for ambiant and strobes, Metering reflective and incident, Working with smoke, Going from ok to WOW, finding the right angles and views, Coaching the models, Adding motion to the shots, Posing that works, High contrast vs REALLY high contrast, Working with vintage lenses on modern DSLRs for that amazing look, Photoshop tips and tricks, Lightroom workflow, working tethered, One light setups that rock and much much more…. these days will get you so motivated and inspired you only want to go out and shoot yourself.


And the intro video:

Some of the images from last year (and this year will be a lot better :D)

Workshops 18 Juli 2012 C60 - 0266

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Studley castle with Nadine

Now when someone tells me I can teach a workshop at a real castle I’m jumping up and down from joy because I know that there will be some amazing images, especially when your model is the always amazing Nadine. Today some images from the Studley castle workshop in the UK.


Studley Mei 22-2254-Edit


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Tethered shooting tips

I love to shoot tethered and whenever I can I will use my laptop to directly view my images.
In our studio I also shoot tethered of course, seeing your images on a big screen is not only nice for your clients but it also gives me the option to directly flag, delete and of course check my images. Now there are a few tips I want to share with you guys today on shooting tethered.

First of all make sure to check out our friends from Tethertools, they make some of the most useful products for shooting tethered, they ROCK. I always say “even if you shoot tethered sometimes, always use a jerkstopper” and I really mean this, it’s the best protection for your camera you can imagine, nowadays these little ports damage very quickly and the jerkstopper is the best insurance money can buy.


TTAero1Safety first
One of the things that a lot of people seem to forget is that when you shoot tethered it does not automatically means that your images are save. I always tell people that when working with storage devices there are always a few things that are certain, first one day it will break down, and two it always happens at the moment that you really don’t want it. So in my book you always have to be prepared. So how do we do this ?

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Final images from the UK trip

Today the final images from our trip to the UK.

Mei 23 2013 (125 of 162)-Edit

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