My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

if the sun is not there

Today a small tip on mimicking the sun if it was there before but not when you take the shot.
In this case when we started out on this location the sun was awesome coming through the windows, however as soon as it was time to shoot the scene with our model the sun was gone, now one could say “ok that’s a shame let’s go” however that’s of course not the solution because I really liked the location.


In this case the windows were not transparant but acted actually as a sort of diffuser, meaning if the sun was shining you would get a very nice even light, as you can see in this shot which was taken just a few moments before the model shots.

Sanne Suikerfabriek October 31 2013 -36However as mentioned before, when it was time for the model part…. well the sun was gone (normal Dutch behavior). So how do you solve this?

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Some new studio shots

Today some new studio shots from Suzanna, shot during last weeks workshop.

Suzanna Oktober 26 2013-55-Edit

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Sony A7r review part II small flash and more

During the workshop this weekend with small flash I also used the Sony A7r.
This will be a shorter review than the last one by the way.


For the flash control I used the Phottix Odin system which appears to be working just fine on the A7r.
There was an occasional misfire but from all the shots we took during the workshop this only happened three times and resulted in a highly overexposed image, I think this will be ironed out in the final version of the camera, if it’s a fault of the camera, even it it won’t be solved it’s not really a problem seeing that it only happened three times, but if you experience it you at least know you’re not alone.


During the small flash workshop it’s not particularly bright in the studio, but the autofocus of the A7r worked like a charm, it locked on reasonably fast, the only time it had real problems when I tried to focus on the red material you see in the sample shots. Changing the spot to large solved this problem. (I’m using the smallest spot normally).

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Different light source

Most of the times we work with strobes or natural light and sometimes I throw in a lightbulb or two just for fun. However in this blogpost I show you a technique I sometimes use when I want a bit more “freaky” stuff.


But first…..
I want to congratulate our son Brian on his 15th birthday.
Happy birthday 😀


Ok so the light source used in these shots is a wireless projector, choose a high ansilumen unit because even with that you will have to bump the ISO (depending on the patterns you’re projecting).

Suzanna Oktober 26 2013-12

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