Some ELC action with Marie

This weekend I had the honor to introduce the new Elinchrom ELC units to the press in the Netherlands. The event was hosted by the Dutch agent for Elinchrom Fotoflits. I started with a small introduction of the new system after which we walked to an empty warehouse where Marie was waiting for us for some wicked shots showcasing some of the creative effects you can get with the ELCs.

Catwalk The Photography show

During the Photography show in Birmingham I was asked to also do a demo on the Catwalk stage. Today I share three of my favorite shots of this demo.

Now you can download my presets

Well starting today.... you can do it yourself. For the first time ever I've created full preset packages with all the presets I use for Alien Skin Exposure, DxO filmpack and NIK/Google AEP. Yep you've read it correctly, it's everything, no light versions, or slightly different versions, this is the real deal.

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