
Photography is acting on a 1/5000 of a second, freezing an unique moment in time that will never come back the same way and with dancers this is all maximized in one shoot. So when I was looking for "models" for a 2 day 1:1 workshop with the theme motion, my first idea was of course "dancers". Thanks to the power of social media I got into contact with this duo, Marvin and Marscha, two amazingly talented people and very enthusiastic. Today some of the images from that workshop.

the DOORhof is always open EP16

We uploaded the 16th episode of our videowebpodcast "The DOORhof is always open". In this episode an interview with Rod Clark from the company Formatt-Hitech.

Cool deal on Topaz De-noise

COOL. Topaz has a great 50% discount on DeNoise running at the moment. It has a new user interface, and it's a great "noise" plugin.

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