Getting outrageous skies without Photoshop but with gels

Today another part in our series on color and color manipulation. We all love easy to do tricks of course, so I though today would be the perfect time for just such a tip. When we look at the color triangle we can see that all colors are connected through the white point. We talked about this in the first blogpost in this series.

Combining 3 gels for awesome results and even white light

Often this leads to a lot of confusion about what primary and secondary colors are. For photography and video we are using Red Green and Blue to create the color we see. A printer uses CMYK to print the colors we see.

Behind the scenes during a photoshoot

Behind the scenes is always fun Digital classroom is our online educational live stream. Once a month we have a 2 hour broadcast from our studio where I explain different topics and lighting setups, always fun and interesting. Today a digital classroom with Claudia.

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