A step by step workshop with Nadine and using Geekoto strobes outside

Probably one of the first questions people ask when they want to know more about my workshops. And let's immediately take the bull by the horns, it sometimes seems everyone is teaching workshops and the quality is often not what people expect. A guided photoshoot is not a workshop.

Colors and how they connect

You probably have been hearing me say that a lot. And that's because color is incredibly important to give images/video/film a certain mood. But also for logo's, design, cars, buildings, interiors, clothing, colors are used everywhere to get a feeling, or make you feel a certain way. So for us as content creators it's vital to make sure that our designs, photos, videos etc. all look accurate. So when someone orders a red scarf and a red sweater they look the same as in the brochure or website. Luckily this is pretty easy.

Geekoto softboxes compared: results from the Digital Classroom with Jannaika

In todays blog the results from the Digital classroom episode with Jannaike in which I explained the differences between softboxes. Do remember that these were shot during a live broadcast with loads of ambient light so it's a bit harder to set the light perfectly. But I'm very happy with the results.

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