What if you lose all your data…. better prevent it now

In the video I talk about automatically downloading your photos, but also the more complicated setups, and also which drives are best for usage in a NAS.

Using two or three umbrellas for a perfect white background a video tutorial

Over the years I've tried different ways to shoot this setup. At one point I was using two strobes on the background, two strip lights as accents and one main light. The problem always was the floor. The accent lights would give double shadows, this by the way was solved by angling the strip lights slightly up and using grids, but that didn't solve my other problem, the floor itself.

Outside fashion shot for sunglasses with extreme styling and flash Part V : let’s talk about something grungy

For the final setup we are still using the same lighting setup with the same Geekoto GT200 with a large reflector. This is what we sometimes call our "outside studio" or in other words a part of our studio (away from the public eye) where we just leave everything (within reason), so it looks very "grungy"/"urbex" this part is based around an old trailer with some bushes and is great as a location, especially when shooting from a low angle the fence in the background and the angle it creates can be very nice.

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