Kings Day 2024 a street photography style overview

For street photography Kings day is one of the best days to experiment. But also when you are starting out and maybe a bit nervous to take pictures of people on the street, this is the perfect day. As you can see in the pictures everyone is in a real festive mood, and there are loads of activities.
Kings Day 2024 discounts

50% Discount on all videos and presets for kings day 2024 (and a lot more discounts)

Today it's kings day in the Netherlands, a day filled with activities and festivities. So we thought it would be the perfect day to also give some gifts to you.

How to photograph awesome guitars in the studio, and an alien ukulele

In this episode I take some pictures of 2 of my favourite guitars and an alien ukulele  I show the lighting setups, how to use smoke, how things go wrong and a lot more.

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