5 Day deal time !!!

the 5DayDeal is the best photography creator collection each year. For only $98 you get a huge amount of e-books, luts, presets, software, plugins, tutorials and a load more

Results from one workshop….. probably more than you think

Some people call shooting images of a model a workshop. I don't... I strongly feel a workshop should be an intense learning experience with loads of information, tips, questions answered etc. So in every set I try to add some things I know people struggle with.
de nieuwe ExpoDisc v3 voor de lens van een camera

Get your white balance correct easy and fast

When working with photos or videos the correct white balance is essential to get natural looking images/video. But it's also important when you use presets to tint your images, if your base is not correct every time your presets will look different every time.

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