A model and a wedding dress
During the workshops I always build up the set.
This way the attendees can see what every light does in the set and how they interact, and that makes it much easier to solve problems in the future.
So let's take a look at some images from Claudia during one of the sets.

Using a projector for awesome and unique effects
You probably have use one during work, or maybe you have a great Home Theater system, projectors are used in many different situations.
They are awesome for gaming, presentations and of course movies.
But did you ever think about using it as a light source?
The main different between a monitor/tv and a projector is that the projector projects light onto a screen and that creates the image, where a monitor/tv is a flat screen. So what if we replace the screen for our model.

Two light sources
Now when you hear a broad lightsource you might think it always means flat lighting, but that's not necessarily the case.
When you move the lightsource to the side of the set you get a beautiful shadow site on the model and because of the open sides of the lantern it will also light the background. If you think the shadow side is a bit too dark you can easily place a reflector on that side because the lantern is a very broad lightsource so it "always" reflects back on a reflector on the other side.
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