The brand new Geekoto Lantern in action

It's always fun to play with new gear, and for me lightshapers always have a special place. And let's be honest the lightshaper defines for a large part how your image will look. The new Geekoto lantern has a few tricks up it's sleeve.

ClickLive event 2024 Results from Day 3 with our amazing model Tion

This was the third day and the backgrounds were not mounted 100% anymore, but I still love the results from these sessions. Also many thanks to Tion who did his best with loads of different outfits and never too tired to pose for me or the attendees. This day was a bit more quiet on the show so I had some more time to shoot, so sorry for the many images 😀

ClickLive trade show workshops results Day 1 and 2 with Macy

The cool thing about the ClickLive event were the more than 10 portfolio pods which were all unique and build only with ClickBackdrops. Next to our booth we sponsored the portfolio booth with our Geekoto strobes and a fitting theme for me.

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