A great new addition to the iPad ecosystem

On the desktop I've been using products from Skylum since they were called MacPhun and I always loved their approach to make something standalone but also fully incorporate it into the Adobe eco system. Now a days you probably know them best for Luminar. And man am I excited, because Luminar has now been released on the iPad. I still have to test everything and see how it will integrate into my workflow with Lightroom but for "looks" in my images I can't wait to start building new presets.

Using unusual props to train creativity

In today's blogpost tips on using unusual props to train your creativity.

A different background for a totally different look

Now this might seem logical, but often it's forgotten that when you really blend background and model together ON SET you get a much more "organic" and "real" end result, not just because the shadow and light play on the backdrop, but also because both model and photographer are "inspired" by the results coming in.

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