The problem with a global shutter that a lot of people will miss

So what's the big deal with a global shutter? In short.... There is no real limit anymore. You would be able to shoot strobes up to 1/16000 or even 1/80000 when using Sony compatible strobes. Sounds awesome right? And it is, but there is one limit I have to tell you about that will prevent some nasty surprises.

Calibrations demystified

A lot of people ask me which profile to use when opening files in Photoshop from Lightroom, the monitor profile or the camera profile? Well both are wrong, how weird it might sound, you can't use any of them.

A step by step workshop with Nadine and using Geekoto strobes outside

Probably one of the first questions people ask when they want to know more about my workshops. And let's immediately take the bull by the horns, it sometimes seems everyone is teaching workshops and the quality is often not what people expect. A guided photoshoot is not a workshop.

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