Entries by Frank Doorhof

Guest blog Marije Weterings

Every now and then I will invite someone over for a guestblog. There are no rules for the guestblog as long as it’s interesting for our readers, so if you have any suggestions please let me know. So without further waste of space here is the guestblog from Marije Weterings. You can find her site […]

Backup those files…. but how

We all push around some pixels and we all have to store that amount of files somewhere. To be honest there is no 100% solution that works for everyone, but over the years I think I found one that might benefit a lot of people out there and that’s easier than you might think…… and […]

About modelreleases

Photographing people is my passion and from a lot of people. Capturing a character can be the most amazing thing, but as with most people, characters or situations can change. As a photographer of people it’s therefore very important to make sure you can never get into trouble, and that’s easier than you might think. […]