Entries by Frank Doorhof

Very special workshop 2011

In the weekend of 20-23 May I will be teaching at a very special location. Right in the middle of the Ijsselmeer. The location for this special photography weekend will be the largest two mast klipper in the Netherlands called the “Manna”, it was build in 1897 and has been fully restored and sailing since […]

Maskerade 27-28 November 2010

Every year there is the Maskerade, this is a big event for bodypainters where they compete in different areas of paint, the organizer is Bert Verstappen (and his family) and he does this with an enormous passion, that’s why I immediately say yes when he asked me if I wanted to judge the competition in […]

2 Sessions from this weekend

This was a busy week, just the way I love them. But somehow also some things went wrong, imaging dragging out 2 rangers, a generator and smokemachine to the forest. A beautiful model and a stunning testshot, and then…… the smokemachine explodes… (well ok that sounded better, in reality it just stopped working). Man that’s […]

DIPP associate and Best portfolio 2010

I already blogged a bit about getting the associate level for the DIPP (Dutch Institute of Professional Photography), but there was another surprise for me in store. During the evening were the certificates for License ship and Associate were given to the photographers (2x Associate 4x License) there also was a price for best portfolio […]