Congratulations Annewiek 50 years
Today is a special day
Whenever you met me somewhere the chance is almost 100% you also met Annewiek.
Ever since we started our business she has always been by my side helping out.
And let’s be honest, when teaching at a trade show it’s very important to have someone with you that knows exactly what will happen when and most importantly where 😀
We met at school during an additional course that was offered during the Friday afternoon, and in short we have been together ever since building our life and business together.
Within StudioFD/ITC Home Theater Annewiek is responsible for all contacts with our clients and of course the very important (boring) bookkeeping, this way I can focus for the full 100% on the creative part. But that’s not all of course.
Our brands
Besides education and photo/video shoots we also distribute several photography brands:
IQWire : Tethercables and defense system
Rogue : Light shapers for small and hybrid strobes, Flashbenders, Reflectors and magnetic system
Expo imaging : EXPO disc white balance tool
ClickBackDrops : Professional studio and location backgrounds/floors/sets
Geekoto : Strobes, light shapers and stands
In the past I was the only one presenting the tutorials, vlogs etc. But the last few years you have seen more and more videos that are presented by Annewiek. She started with mostly the Dutch videos about our products, but she’s now also sharing short tips, reviews and demonstration videos in English. And somehow her videos get way more views……
Annewiek is very important for our studio, for our workshops but most of all for me of course 😀
And today we can all congratulate Annewiek with the 50th Birthday.
Let’s do another 50 at least 😀