Quick note from PSW

I really can’t believe PhotoShopWorld has ended already pffff.
Without a doubt PSW is a highlight of my year, so much inspiration, amazing people and most of all….. sleep deprivation 😀
But let’s be honest it’s not only a huge honor to be teaching at one of the biggest Photography education events in the world but it’s also place where there is so much energy buzzing that I already feel enormously excited to start shooting new ideas.


Before PSW starts there are the pre-con workshops, this time I decided to join Joe McNally, the fact that he shot artists from Circque de Soleil did help of course 🙂 here is one shot I already worked on from that day, much more will follow but I simply don’t have the time to retouch anything at this time.

September 3 2013  (127 of 426)-Edit


Next PSW will be in Atlanta I would everyone who is interested in Lightroom, Photoshop, Photography, Business etc. to visit PSW, it will change your life.


This PSW was also special for me because it was the first time I saw my book in print, the book will be released in a few weeks and holding the “proof” print is an incredibly cool feeling, and I can tell you already… the book looks awesome, the layouts, design etc. are breathtaking, and the content is I think unique from anything on the market on the moment so keep an eye out for this one.


Enough for today, I’m almost falling a sleep behind my laptop.
More will follow.


6 replies
  1. John_Skinner
    John_Skinner says:

    Glad to be home Frank? It;s tough being being in hell for 3 days of 100 degree+ weather. Makes you appreciate home a little more. Can’t wait to see more images. Wish I could make it to PSW, but tooooo expensive.

  2. Ian L. Sitren
    Ian L. Sitren says:

    PhotoShop World was absolutely great. I could not have enjoyed it more. And Frank, your programs from the demonstrations you did on the Expo floor to the huge smoke backed live shoot were so very well done, fun and informational. I came away from PSW and my time with you with more inspiration and knowledge and excitement. Thank You!

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