Images Chantal

Last week we did a nice workshop for Fotoflits (the Dutch Elinchrom agent). I’ve known them for many years and their new shop is very nice to teach the workshops in, so once every while I will travel to them to teach a workshop. This time was special on two accounts. First it was the first workshop for Chantal (one of our new models) and it was the first time ever I was late for a workshop….. I always leave at least an hour early but the traffic was so bad that what we normally drive in 75 minutes now took us 150 minutes pffff it was terrible.

But I arrived and here are some of the images from that day that I like myself. On Monday you can also see a backstage video from that day.

The first image you see above was shot with an strip light as main light source on an Elinchrom BXRi, nothing more. Chantal was standing very close to the strip light and that way it creates a wonderful wraparound effect, something I really love.

Same light source but now shot from a different angle and Chantal was further away from it.

In this case I used a standard reflector with grid to create a very close spot on the models hair, sometimes people will complain about not seeing the whole face but somehow I just love the mystic that images like this have.

Same reflector but now without the grid.

For this image I used the Elinchrom Deep Octa and the Elinchrom 1.50 Indirect octa as fill light. Lighting it only with the deep octa will give too little detail in the sides of the shot, by adding a small fill in flash from a large octa you can open up shadow areas without creating disturbing shadows.


The main focus for me during these workshops is the fact that with limited light sources (almost all these images are shot with one light source) you can still create very nice images, also by changing your angles the images vary from low contrast to extreme high contrast, this is the most powerful tool you can posses as a photographer.


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