Some male images

Today a lot of images…. so sit back and enjoy the ride.
Normally I do a lot of female models, this has nothing to do with the fact that male models would not be interested, but somehow I’m really picky with the male models I work with, sometimes however I get a mail from someone that I think has all the right “cards”, so when I got an email from Kevin asking me to do a session with a great fashion designer/stylist and a good MUA/hairstylist I did not have to wait long to say “yes”.

The team for this shoot:
MUA : Felicia Williams
Styling : lyron Martina
Assistant : Evita Hinneman
Photographer : Frank Doorhof


In this blog post some of my favorite images from that session, and trust me it was a terrible job to cut down to this selection from the original 30 selected images. In normal session we will get 10-15 real selects and often only 6-7 will be my personal favorites, this time it was a lot harder as you can see.


For the first setup we kept it really simple. just two strobes, one main light and one fill in flash.
I love this kind of setups because you can really play with the poses and don’t have to be too much worried about shadows blocking up, it’s also a great setup to use ColorContrast from NIK colorefex and make the look a bit more “surreal”.

For the next image I used one spot aimed at Kevin from the back/side. Only using the side of the light.

Here the same light setup but from the other side.

Of course we also did some portrait work.


The next setup is also one I love a lot, in fact it’s just a strobe aimed straight at the model under a slight angle, but it gives me a wonderful look to play with, just add some color with curves in Photoshop and you’re done.

Same setup for the next images, but now the strobe is set under a much more extreme angle.

4 replies
  1. Patrick Pater
    Patrick Pater says:

    Thanks for sharing. Web is full of female shots. Well… there is a reason for it 🙂 I’m not sure if I was looking in all wrong places or that’s how it is but finding male poses is not as easy (?)

    I’m a passionate photographer on a shoestring budget so I can’t pay a “proper” / trained model. For now I’ve managed to talk my other half into posing. It’s funny when I’m observing the learning curve for me – taking the pictures, for her – to express through her body and gaining the patience.

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