Photoshoot with Myam, and a no show

We all know the stories about models not showing up.
Some people think this only happens to them and not to the “pros” well trust me it does.
I do have to add that it hardly happened to me, but this time it was my turn I guess.
For our last day in Orlando I thought it would be very nice to do a photoshoot with a model and I used twitter to check if there would be people available to help out, and there were (you got to love twitter for stuff like this). I got a very nice reply from a local photographer Paris Carter, make sure to check out her website at she also knew a nice model and a great MUA, so nothing could go wrong…. right ?

The model responded very quickly to her Emails and was very enthusiastic about the shoot so we all expected she would show up. In the meantime I also got some responses on my Modelmayhem account and one model really jumped out to me (Myam), she had a great attitude and I loved some of her shots. Because our “main” model could not be at our hotel before 5:00PM I decided to invite Paris and Myam to join me at 2:00PM for a “pre-shoot”, as you might have guessed this became the “main-shoot”, and I’m so glad Myam performed great and did all the shots with me I had in mind except the outside shot I wanted to do which I’m still a bit sad about, but hey, we’ll do that next time.

At app 5:00PM the MUA showed up and the waiting started, we had some amazing clothes and jewellery, and from what I could see from the sketches the makeup would ROCK, but no model….. than the phone rang. And when that happens it’s often not good news (or a model that cannot find the location), in this case it was the first, the well known excuses were used but she ended up with not being able to get a ride. No go figure…. we are 1 hour away from her, she calls at 5:30 a bit weird yeah ? now if she would have called at 4:15 I would have understood, but you can’t drive an hour in -15 minutes so she would have take care about this.

What a model does not realize is that our MUA travelled over an hour to be here, arranged a sitter for her kids, Paris travelled app the same distance and for me it’s the only chance I had to shoot, if she would have called earlier I could have maybe called Myam back. So if you as a model (but this actually goes for everyone) are reading this, remember that when you back out a shoot you are in fact leaving a whole team of people standing in the cold, and in fact costing those people a lot of money were they get nothing back for. In this case Paris took us out to a restaurant to have a nice diner and we had a lot of fun (and we made two new friends, thanks guys you’re awesome) but I would have loved to take the shots I had planned, so am I upset, well a little bit yes but more for my team which worked so hard to arrange everything. I’m just glad I invited Paris to be there for the first shoot so we were able to work together.

Next time I will book two models again for the same time.
At the moment we’re at the airport waiting for the flight back home (well first Washington) I’m trying to upload the video Paris and Annewiek shot during the Myam session but the internet at the airport is very slow and the video still has 41.10 MB to go (it took an hour to upload 5MB) so I’m afraid you’ll have to wait for the video till we’re back home. I’ve decided to do the blog post however to give you guys something to read 😀

As the real final blogpost from Orlando I would again love to thank all the people that visited my workshops at Photoshop World, the people from Kelby and my fellow instructors (indeed a dream team), our new friends and old friends, and yes also ‘V’ You rock dude, but you still don’t have my number 😀 and of course a real special thanks to my team from yesterday, you guys really are the best and I’m sure I’ll work with you again.

So next blog post I’ll be back in the cold Netherlands, brrrrrr

10 replies
  1. Jeff Nickel
    Jeff Nickel says:

    It’s too bad that the model didn’t realize the opportunity she flakes out on. Glad you still had the opportunity to shoot. Looking forward to the video! Thanks again for the great sessions at #PSW and have a safe trip home!

  2. Ton
    Ton says:

    I’m also looking forward to the video and the pics, did already see some previews on twitter.

    Oh Frank, it isn’t cold at all here in NL. (Nice weather, for one day at least 😉 )

  3. Doug Snyder
    Doug Snyder says:

    I feel your pain…started shooting local models this year. I like the idea of double booking though…
    Common courtesy should apply in all things.

    Have you got your flight booked for Vegas yet?

  4. Marc
    Marc says:

    Hmm…. most of the time and that’s everyones expierience, you have a sence for models that won’t show up. diffucult communciation and so on. but things like this, you cant help it. well the model in question didnt make a good impression. i wish her good luck. indeed next time 2 models. but i must hand you very frustrating it is, and in this case you feel guilty as well.

    Here the sun is schining so it is not cold!

    • Frank Doorhof
      Frank Doorhof says:

      Well actually I’m born in the Netherlands and always lived here, we just got back from Orlanda where I stayed for 10 days (to teach on Photoshop World).
      Coming back was like “brrrrrr”

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