Outside fashion shoot for sunglasses with extreme styling and flash Part II : let’s talk gear

The third set we used during the workshop (set II will follow the next time) was a small house near the beach, this is an interesting location but in all honesty I had the most trouble with this one to create something interesting. But by using the lines in the location and changing my angles of shooting I think we got some interesting looks.

Outside fashion shoot for sunglasses with extreme styling and flash Part I

One of the more challenging workshops is without a doubt "on location in Emmeloord" During this workshop I take the attendees with me to locations that at first sight might look incredibly boring. However by using the styling of the model and of course the choice of lighting and shooting angle it becomes clear pretty quickly that even locations that are not that interesting can transform into a great location for shoots.

Same background, totally different results

Maximise your results with this simple technique When you shoot for a client it's always interesting and smart to deliver different options. But different options take time, right? Well not exactly.

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