Working with strobes on location and how to kill the ambient light part II

One of the techniques I love to use on location is Day2Night. With Day2Night we mimic a night or evening scene during day time. As you can imagine you need some powerful lights to achieve this, or some cool tricks.

A cool set with clickbackdrops

Using a set in your photoshoot adds a lot. When I started out with modelphotography I mostly shot on seamless (paper) and although it was a lot of fun working with different colors at one point you get a bit bored with it and I started with using custom walls with paint, structure or wallpaper.

How I approach a business shoot

Most of the work I post is from our workshops model photography or street/travel photography. But we do a lot more of course, including business shoots. Today I want to share some tips on how I approach our clients and why we score the shoots.

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