TourBox Lite, this will change your workflow forever

One of the things I always teach during workshops is workflow. It might sound boring but having a proper workflow is essential to get not only consistent results but also to simply save time for other important things in life 😀 When we talk about workflow we often talk about settings and the order in which you edit in Lightroom, Photoshop or your favourite editor. But there is a lot more.

And now for something completely different some music.

But this time we wanted to do something else. We decided to film a few clips with our iPhones and edit it all together while I was experimenting with the BorisFX suite of special effects. (yeah still got a lot to learn for a review, but man it's awesome).

A kind of different product photography, shots from guitar pedals

Now we also took some of the more boring white background but when we do product shoots I also always like to add some "special set" shots. With handbags for example we build a small set fitting the brand and take some shots in there with fancy lighting. In most cases we do this for free (and fun) but clients often end up using those images also.

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