Using a data projector for some really cool lighting effects

Projectors are great for presentations and movies But did you ever think about using a projector as your main lightsource? Think about all the options you have when you can literally paint all your lights, sharp or soft edges, all colors you like or maybe even a whole photo. When using a projector as your main lightsource you will never run out of ideas.

The Geekoto Lantern in action

The moment you see the Geekoto Lantern you know exactly what you're going to get. A beautiful soft light from the front of the softbox, but also a lot of light emitted from the sides. This makes the lantern the perfect softbox for new born, product and fashion photography when you need a lot of light but don't want the light too harsh and the edge transfers on the set. The lantern does exactly this.

Using the optical snoot for a great window effect

I love using the Lindsay Adler optical snoot from Westcott as my main lightsource as you have seen many times, but it's also great for the more subtle effects. Today in the blog I take you behind the scenes during a workshop where I use the optical snoot for a very subtle but great effect on our model/set.

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