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For more info about:
Geekoto, Rogue, ClickBackdrops, IQwire and Triflection
visit the StudioFD.nl (dutch site)
Recent blogs

The Geekoto Lantern in action
The moment you see the Geekoto Lantern you know exactly what you're going to get.
A beautiful soft light from the front of the softbox, but also a lot of light emitted from the sides.
This makes the lantern the perfect softbox for new born, product and fashion photography when you need a lot of light but don't want the light too harsh and the edge transfers on the set. The lantern does exactly this.

Using the optical snoot for a great window effect
I love using the Lindsay Adler optical snoot from Westcott as my main lightsource as you have seen many times, but it's also great for the more subtle effects.
Today in the blog I take you behind the scenes during a workshop where I use the optical snoot for a very subtle but great effect on our model/set.

Using old lenses is awesome
When we buy lenses we often try to get the latest technology, the best quality etc.
But did you know there are loads of great lenses out there that you can buy for next to nothing that will give you awesome results?

A chair and a background an we are done, well almost
Building a small set is loads of fun
And it doesn't has to be expensive.
For our studio we are always looking for chairs, chandeliers, and in fact almost anything we thing we can use in a photoshoot, in the end we will probably open a thrift store 😀

A block can really help out in your studio
We can spend a lot of money on sets and props, but I always love it when it can be done really cheap.
And one of the best investments you can do for your studio is.... a block.

Because old glass is so incredibly beautiful
There will always be something new, better and cooler.
And lenses are no exception. But is it always necessary to upgrade your lens?
Well sometimes yes, if a lens is a lot faster or has a longer/wider range that you need.
But before you run to the store for the latest and greatest also thing about this alternative.

A model and a wedding dress
During the workshops I always build up the set.
This way the attendees can see what every light does in the set and how they interact, and that makes it much easier to solve problems in the future.
So let's take a look at some images from Claudia during one of the sets.

Using a projector for awesome and unique effects
You probably have use one during work, or maybe you have a great Home Theater system, projectors are used in many different situations.
They are awesome for gaming, presentations and of course movies.
But did you ever think about using it as a light source?
The main different between a monitor/tv and a projector is that the projector projects light onto a screen and that creates the image, where a monitor/tv is a flat screen. So what if we replace the screen for our model.