Tag Archive for: music

Same set different looks and messages

It’s very important

as a photographer to be able to get images that are fitting the client y0ur shooting for.
This can be a product, a model, musician, landscape, building etc.

One of the coolest things about photography is that besides just taking a picture we can do so much more.
I remember Peter Hurley telling me that a good headshot photographer will determine if someone walks the red carpet or ends up at at fast food chain, and in all honesty, he is right for a great part.

When we hired personal we always looked at the photos.
When our son Brian wanted to get a job I had to drag him into the studio to create a cool shot with some lens flare, low angle, arms crossed, rolled up sleeves etc.
He got the job right away.
The trick is very simple.
People get a lot of applications and some will jump out and some not, and no body wants to spend too much time for a lower position so having a photo that really jumps out and showed he was tall, ready to work. And by adding the red color I knew for sure the image would jump out.

Now this is not something I would shoot for a manager wanting to get a job in the higher management sector.

In other words

Always dive into what you shoot

For me it’s always a challenge to get images that are 100% the “soul” of a company, the “character” of a person or the “mood” my client wants for a product.
Photography for me is only a small part of an assignement, talking and of course getting people at ease is a vital part.

During the workshops I always try to experiment with different lighting setups, props etc. But I also give a lot of attention to topics that are important to get the mood your client wants. And because I love using my own guitars in workshops sometimes I thought it was a great exercise to see what you can do with the same setup, same lighting, same model etc.

Of course we have some limitations.
First off all it’s all the same setup and model. But still I think you will be able to get a different vibe with these shots.
Some are aimed at more rock, some are more metal and maybe you spot the nu metal and progressive version.
The only thing that was changed is the pose of the model, the angle under which I shoot and of course the length of the lens. A wide angle will render a scene completely different than a longer lens that will compress the scene.

In the retouching I did try to keep the looks pretty similar, with small changes (except for one).
It’s a fun exercise and something you can easily try yourself.

Here are my versions.


And now for something completely different digital vs VHS for music

Yes you read it correctly

As you might or might not know I love playing guitar and recording music.
Every minute I can get I’m playing around in our Home Studio we build during Corona.

I don’t have any illusions of making it as a songwriter or musician but I love experimenting with sounds, modes and recording techniques. It’s probably no surprise for people knowing me that my gear is mostly vintage tube amps, older guitars and of course vintage studio gear. Still love the Alesis, Digitech and Lexicon gear. Somehow due to the imperfections it just sounds beter.

To make the connection to photography, when I shoot with older M42 lenses there are a lot of downsides but somehow it just inspires more and the images have “Character” it’s hard to explain but you just see and feel it under certain lighting conditions. The flares of an old lens are just so much different, same as the bokeh. But ok, todays topic is something else.

Digital all the way

Today it’s not strange to go all digital.
Well ok the guitar is still analogue (I hope) but most guitarists will probably play over a modeller.
For me it’s a mixed bag. I love modellers but I still feel that a real tube amp is still king.
I’m in the lucky position to own a few older models and they are… well just awesome.

When I grew up my first one company was a recording studio which I ran together with a friend.
There we wish we would have the options you now have in a laptop.
I had to work with 2 consoles, one for drums and one for the rest.
Recording was done on a 8 track (which was very nice for that time and the size of our studio) reel 2 reel deck which had to be aligned every single recording. We were saving for an ADAT system but before that happened my fried decided to use the building for something else.

Many years later I picked up playing myself again and was literally shocked by the options you have now.
When I was starting I owned a 4 track Tascam which immediately made me one of the most sought after bandmembers, a bit like the PA from David Lee Roth 😀
I still own the recorder (but it’s doesn’t work anymore) and the main problem was that you had to bounce almost everything because 4tracks was very limiting especially when you wanted to work in stereo.

Now a days we have almost no limit to the amount of stereo/surround tracks and how many effects you want to use. We had to work with one Reverb unit 😀

At the moment I’m recording in Logic and using an X32 console.
Somehow mixing or recording in the box feels very unnatural and having loads of sliders feels like home.
The X32 has this really handy feature of recording your song on a USB stick via an internal recorder. Just pop the drive in your PC/Mac and you’re ready to master.
The results are great.

But…. there is always a but

Don’t get me wrong the sound quality is amazing from the X32 (well more than enough for me).
But I always have to grab some tape emulation plugins to tame the sterile highs I often hear from the drum samples and keys.
In the past I tried a few older reel2reel tapes and dump the stereo mix there before mastering and always came back disappointed, yes the sound was there that I loved but it was messy, lost definition and it wasn’t in sync. And spending 400,00 on a reel2reel that is 100% correct (for how long) is not something I’m willing to spend.

The idea came to test out a device you probably would not expect in a recording setup.
An Hi-Fi stereo VHS recorder.
Now it may seem weird, but it’s not.
When I grew up, most music was spread on tapes and even with Dolby noise reduction and great players the sound quality was nothing near the very expensive CDs.
Until we started to experiment with BetaMax and VHS recorders. Especially the Hi-Fi VHS recordings sounded great. Beta was still beter but compared to even the best cassettes this was a huge step forward, and you could get loads of music on one tape.

So that got me thinking.
The recording technique on VHS is different from tape, so you know you’re not going to get that real tape magic, but let’s be honest anything that doesn’t run at very high speeds and has the proper width will not, and those decks are horrendously expensive. So I dug up our VHS recorder, blew of the dust and ordered a new tape.

The test

Now this is of course just for fun.
I recorded the same mix simultaneously on both the VHS and USB stick.
After that the VHS was routed back into logic via the interface.
In logic I selected both tracks and did the exact same mastering workflow, this time I did not fine tune anything to make sure I didn’t change anything by accident and uploaded the two files here for you to compare.

The outcome might surprise you.
I advise headphones or a really good set to listen to the details.

Click here to download the files
VHS mastering
USB mastering

The song

The song is called under the balcony.
It’s recorded during the holiday on an Ibanez Tod10N.
This is a nylon string acoustic electric guitar.
I hope you enjoy the song and the test.

If you also record music or a podcast and you want to be available on all streaming services and want to keep your revenue, but also get nice art for releases and landing pages.. check out distrokid. I’ve been with them for 2 years now and it’s a great service. Songs are released for free on all streaming platforms (even more than I knew existed) and you get a nice overview of your revenues. And if you use our link we also get a nice bonus.

Want to hear more of my music?
Check out your favourite streaming service or




And now for something completely different some music.

As you probably know, in my spare time I love to play guitar and record music.
For the most part I play (or program) all the instruments.

I try to release something new every 1-2 months, (you can find this on most streaming services under Frank Doorhof)

But this time we wanted to do something else.
We decided to film a few clips with our iPhones and edit it all together while I was experimenting with the BorisFX suite of special effects. (yeah still got a lot to learn for a review, but man it’s awesome).

So just for fun I like to show you today a “videoclip” from the song Upwards.
I hope you guys like it.


As you all know this is mostly a photography blog/site, but as with most people active in creative professions music is also for a lot of us an important part of our lives, so sometimes I also throw in something a bit off topic.

For me personally I started playing guitar when I was app 17 years old and absolutely loved it, I played hours a day and for me music was the perfect distraction from everything that happened around me, it was the place I could channel happiness but it also was a great way to get anger or frustration out.


Getting to the start
When I started there was no internet and learning guitar was done by waiting for a new magazine or buy a tabbook (song book with guitar parts transcribed in tabs). Recording music was an absolute disaster. I used a very modern (for that time) 4 track recorder which meant I had to record 2 tracks that I could listen back and 2 tracks “blind” only when mixing you could hear those back, later the Tascam recorders started to appear and I absolutely loved that one (still own it), wish it would still work but the tape deck is somehow not working anymore.

When I was done with school my first company was a recording studio which I ran with a friend of mine. It was a huge space which we build ourselves from an old barn behind his parents farm. Although the space was designed as a real studio with a separate drum cage, special acoustics and of course a nice control room with soundproofed glas looking into the recording room… in short it was awesome. But where we were professional in room space even in todays standards the gear…. well… was less impressing.

Recording was done on a large D&R console and the drums were done on a separate Yamaha console routed into the D&R and mixed down to an 8 track tape recorder, this made it also possible to record all instrument separate or all at once with their own channels for that time I felt in absolute recording heaven.

But as with most things, time catches up.
I met Annewiek and we started our life together, for a few years I continued teaching guitar to local people but when we got busier with our business I had to stop this and slowly also stopped playing myself. Luckily I didn’t sell anything but stored in on the attic.

The PhotoshopWorld experience
Many years later (end 40’s) I send one of my demo tapes to Scott Kelby and he absolutely loved it resulting in him asking me to jam with them on stage during PhotoshopWorld. To be short… it was a “disaster” and bloody (no calluses) (sorry Scott for the strings). But it did spark the fire in a huge way. So when I got home we unpacked my old guitars and amps and connected everything.

The first thing I wanted was my trusted drum machines.
I sold my SR16 so bought that one back and also added a kawai session trainer.
But….. I don’t use them anymore.

The landscape has changed A LOT.
Man I wish I had all this stuff when I was in my teens, I would have never left my room I’m afraid.
At the moment I’m recording my guitar parts on tube amps at the sound output I want without hearing any sound. To give you an idea, to get a really cool lead tone I love a 100W tube amp just over the point of breakup which often means the sound pressure of a jet-engine at a few feet distance, something you could never do in the past, but today you just disconnect the speaker cab and use something like a Torpedo Twin X and you can select your favourite speakers, add virtual microphones and move them around but without the phasing problems you normally experience. Now in all honesty I was able to do something very basic in my youth because I bought a Marshall SE100 which does something similar but wasn’t as flexible as what we have today and it was incredibly expensive at that time (still own it).

Recording music is also a totally different experience.
Logic has awesome sounds for keys (in the past you had to buy all the keyboards to get the sounds, or use samplers), an awesome drummer plugin and thanks to digital it’s now super easy to record your ideas. Where when I started it was more fighting the limitations and being able to record something in one take (punch in is pretty hard to pull off perfectly on old tapemachines) now you can just play it in a loop and select the takes you like or even glue them together without the listener hearing the cuts.

Now I have to be honest.
I still try to play my music in as little takes as possible and my solos are probably 20 takes but I choose only one and only cut where I messed up a note or slide. Somehow it still feels like cheating when you just “lego” a piece of music.

Getting it out there
My first (and only) band was called Royalty (huge Queen fan) and although we played covers the main set was own material which we recorded on that little 4 track in my parents attic and the second demo actually in the studio (Royalty street studios). To get the music “out there” we asked local record stores to showcase our cassette tapes on the desk and once a month we would collect the money, if there was any. It was a time that most people don’t even recognise, and in all honesty it makes me feel very old 😀

Also here the world has changed a lot.
When I was in a band when you wanted to reach outside of your home town you had to do it yourself or get a record deal. Well that first one we did, the second… never ever.

But how do we do it now?
The first thing you will say “internet” and indeed totally right.
Sites like Soundcloud, bandcamp are awesome to showcase your music and of course social media is a great way to build followers, build hype, share images etc. the landscape has turned completely upside down.

Now let’s make one thing clear. I have no ambitions at all in a music career (although I’m always open for offers :D)
But I love sharing my work and when I told someone to check out Soundcloud the answer was often “what?, I know Spotify or Apple” so I started to look what was needed to get my music in an easier to find streaming service.

You can of course upload directly to Spotify, but what about Apple, YT, Tidal etc. etc. there are over 250 streaming services, so where does it stop? I feel a bit like social media, we love to keep you guys updated and it’s a lot of work to reach the most amount of people on different platforms and I was not planning on doing that kind of work for my music.

Enter Distrokid
As soon as I started looking for posting on Spotify the name Distrokid came up, when I watch recording or instructional videos Distrokid is mentioned, the kid seems to be everywhere.

When I looked at the site it indeed looked awesome. For 19.00 a year you’re posted on all streaming services and keep all/most of your royalties, there are unlimited uploads without “hidden” costs and they have a very nice website with special goodies that make my life a lot easier. Remember music is my hobby it’s not work, so I love making and recording the songs but I don’t want to spend hours on getting them online. Well Distrokid is a solution for all of this.

If the song is done you just upload it to DistroKid and enter the needed information, upload the cover art and… well that’s it (ok press or click Enter), but that’s not where it stops.

Within a few hours DistroKid send me an email with a so called pre-save page. This is absolutely awesome because it not only gives the visiter the cover art and a small preview that works in every browser, but you can pre-save the track and when the track is released the same page can be used to select your favourite streaming service. Talk about taking the work out of your hands.

As soon as the track was released I got another mail.
This time with loads of cover designs for social media, I settled on this one.

Now of course you can still do everything yourself, and if you pay a little bit more you can even have your own label instead of DistroKid, for me it doesn’t really bother me so I just got the cheapest option and am already deeply impressed by what it does for you, for 19,00 a year I did not expect this.

Did I look for alternatives?
Yes of course (I’m Dutch :))
But every time I saw one that was “self-proclaimed” better it was often not the case, yes they are free or much cheaper but you pay 5-9 euro per release, that means 3 releases and you’re already over the price of Distrokid.

Now I’m not saying Distrokid is for everyone.
But they do have a great product range from 19 to 80 euro per year ranging from one artist and the DistroKid label to 2 artists and a lot more options plus your own label and even an option for a real label with loads of artists, planned releases etc. and that for under 100 euro a year…. wow.

My plans
At the moment I have one song on DistroKid called Air on Air.
I recorded this a few days ago in our home studio and it came out pretty cool I think.
I already mentioned I have no ambitions on a music career (although :D) but I will be uploading material regularly, so I would love for you guys to follow me on your favourite streaming service.

At the moment I have 7 songs ready that will be uploaded in the coming weeks (one a week is the plan), after that I will keep uploading material and the challenge for me is to improve with every release and of course find collaborations with other musicians, and because we can record worldwide thank’s to the modern DAWs I think we can look forward to some interesting collaborations.

Feel free to contact me if you want to work on something.

If you want your audio out there and want a solid partner that doesn’t cost you an arm and a leg Distrokid is the right choice I think. Even if you (like me) just love to record music and love to get it “out there” Distrokid does it all for less than what you spend on coffee in a week.

If you also want to share your music or audio, check out DistroKid and use our link for a 7% discount and you also support my work, which I highly appreciate.

Oh and I would love for you guys to listen to my music, share it with friends and if you like more posts about music or recording let me know. We also recently started a Discord server which contains topics about photography but also music, so make sure to also join us there.