My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Tip on subtle motion

Motion can be awesome but also remember that a dynamic photo doesn’t always has to be a jumping model or waving hairs 🙂 

Sometimes a very subtle “Stand on your toes and pose like ….” can grow into something like you see here. A small prop like a hat completes the shot. 

Tip : space

I always love to leave space in my images. I often call it “the way the image breath”. When I do portfolio reviews I often see photographers really zooming in on the model like they are afraid that they loose megapixels they paid for.

If you leave some room you will see that an image is way more pleasant to look at and also draws the viewer in more.
On location this becomes even more important. Show that location. Don’t just shoot a model against an old wall (that can be anywhere) but really show the location you were in.

Tip : shadows

Shadows are the soul of a shot

Shadows create depth

Shadows give definition

Shadows give mood

Shadows can be used to cover 

Shadows can be used to enhance 
As you can see shadows can be incredibly important, so don’t be afraid of them and try to use them in your shots. 
I personally love to just place a model against a wall and create interesting shadows that “interact” with the model and pose 🙂

Tip for aimed light 

Aiming Your light is incredibly important and often forgotten due to the use of big softboxes.

In this case the staircase was incredibly boring and in the process of being redecorated. However thanks to the grid and strobe I really made the model stand out and draw the attention of the viewer towards the model and the leading lines of the staircase instead of the “junk” which you would normally see.

So the next time try to leave that big light source home and master your model shoot with grids and smaller light sources 😉

If you like these tips to continue let me know via the comments and also let me know what tips you like to see. Want to support our work and get some cool goodies? Support us via