My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Tether Tools Case Air Wireless Tethering System

Frank shows you the new Tether Tools Case Air system, a wireless system to shoot tethered to your smart phone, tablet, pc or mac. available November 1, 2016. More info :

recoommended retail price: USD 159,99 EURO 192,00

Behind the closed DOORs October 8 2016

In todays episode we take you BTS during the workshop at Kamera Express in Amsterdam for Sony with our model/stylist Nadine.

Some new images from Nadine

Today some new images shot during a workshop about creativity and styling with Nadine.
Lighting was mostly done with a mix of constant lighting (LedGo fresnels) and our Elinchrom Strobes.
By mixing these two light sources I can create some nice color effects when I use the modeling lights.


When you use the continuous lighting the color temp is app the same as a strobe, however you can always also use strobes as continuos lighting by using only the modeling lights, the thing you have to beware for is that the color temp of the modeling light is actually much “warmer/redder” than the strobe/continuous lighting. But by choosing creatively you can actually create some interesting looks as you can see in these samples.
This is one of things I always try to teach during workshops, you can just give attendees lighting setups to copy, but if they understand what light does there is so much more possible. Even with very limited means.


During the workshops we always do several sets, each with it’s own challenges, looks and of course learning material.

This was the first setup.
Can you spot the ones shot with the fresnels and the ones where I actually used an Elinchrom striplight and strobed?nadine-september-17-2016-0001







I’ll give you a hint….. she changed one thing in her outfit that’s very noticeable. 😀


For the next set we combines strobes (modeling lights), the fresnel from Ledgo (on the face of the model) and the lights that were brough by Nadine and by us in the set. With these kind of shots you will shoot on higher ISO’s but with modern cameras everything up to 6400 should not really be an issue, you will see noise, but when you print the noise will hardly be noticeable.nadine-september-17-2016-0583






In this setup we used the Elinchrom Deep Octa with Lighttools grid.
The dress is actually mostly made out of paper by Nadine (remember this was a workshop about creativity and styling, so the attendees also learned about how Nadine creates her clothing).



And finally we decided to do one more quick shot.
Very low angle and some CRAZY outfits will mostly enhance each other, by using a rapid light fall off creating a nice halo around the model the eye of the viewer is literally lead to her eyes/face.

Also want to visit one of my/our workshops?
And want to learn more than just copy light setups?
Check or if you’re not in the Netherlands check the menu on this site for the workshops abroad. And if a workshop is really not possible check for our instructional videos (if you like this make sure to check out MTM3 : creativity), or check and you can of course always visit for free material, but trust me… the commercial stuff is much better of course 😀


Behind the closed DOORs October 7 2016

In todays episode we take you BTS during a pretty normal working day for us.

We test to duostream to YouTube live and Facebook Live, which actually worked at the first trial, but we did have to solve some small problems.

You see the results from the videos we shot yesterday and the new 19″ rack came in.

Enjoy todays episode.