Wonder Woman in our studio…. oh yes

Today a few images from Jona in her wonder woman outfit. Shot during a 3 day 1:1 workshop with Gabe who actually brought all the costumes with him for the workshops.

As a Star Trek nerd I love these workshops

One (of the many) things I love about my work is that no workshop or shoot is the same. I actually never prepare my workshops or demos, this way I keep it fresh for myself but also for the attendees that visit our workshops regularly. This also means that I often listen to the questions the attendees have before the studio part starts (the Q&A) and base my workshop on those questions.

Gold it almost hurt your eyes so much Gold

A background really makes the shot for me. I recently had a whole discusion with someone about how AI would replace backgrounds and no-one would ever shoot against backdrops anymore. I don't think I have to tell you guys I did not agree 😀

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