How to mix light sources flash and continious

There is a lot to say for powerful strobes. But always remember that now a days cameras have no problem at all with ISO200-400-800 or even 1600. Alle are perfectly usable in a studio setting. So although a 1000W strobe with spotlight sounds awesome in the studio it's unusable because even on the lowest setting you will break the X-sync which prevents most studio strobes to shoot above 1/125 of a second.

Love that look, it like old Hollywood revived

Today some more images shot with the Nanlite Fresnel on our own Geekoto strobes. LOVE that combination.

Agent Carter in the house

Today some images from the set with agent Carter. Model : Jona Shot during a workshop with Gabe who took care of all the costumes. As you can imagine we had a blast 😀

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