Behind the scenes video during the Wibi Soerjadi Christmas concert

Today in the blog the behind the scenes videos we shot during the Wibi Soerjadi Christmas concert. Yesterday I showed you the photos and today you get to see how I took them.

My favorite shots from the Wibi Soerjadi Christmas concert

I've known Wibi for years and consider him as a close friend which makes photographing a concert like this at one point much easier, but also a lot harder. It's easier for me because I don't really have to think about disturbing the artist, he knows I'm there and there is trust so in essence I'm invisible for him so no worries on my side to interrupt him or do something that is not allowed, this makes it much easier to move around and shoot from different locations during the concert................................

Happy birthday Annewiek

As many of you know, when you ask me for an event I never travel…

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