everything you always wanted to know about light shapers

In this episode we talk about everything you always wanted to know about light shapers. But we don't just talk about it, we also show you how I use them during a live shoot.

The way we tell stories and how to light them to get the right mood

In this blogpost I show you we created two totally different images with one prop. I explain the idea behind the shoot, the lighting setups and the end results.

Lighting tricks that work…..using the light behind your model, yes it works like a charm but it’s special

Sometimes you're looking for something different, something a bit more daring or edgy. Now mostly during normal shoots we always try to keep the lights out of the final results, but also to take out as much of the flare as possible. For the flare we have great coatings on lenses nowadays so when you add the sun hood on your lens you probably won't have any problems with flare.

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