Naming and shaming

What’s your opinion?
I think this is miles and miles too far. And yes I’m a parent too. It all depends on the way someone is shooting. In this case no problem. It’s going to be different when one child is being picked out and focussed on. For me that would be creepy.

Very wrong signal a celebrity is sending. Public places means people are allowed to take photos. Maybe 1% or less of the photographers have bad intentions. Why let the rest suffer.

I mostly just introduce myself when I’m in a situation like this and tell them or show them what I’m doing and hand out cards where they can get the shots for free. Take out the “threat” before it becomes one.

But this reaction is wrong on every single note
Also seeing the police doesn’t want to do anything I would say to the photographer. Now it’s time to take action. Sue her for every cent she got for naming and shaming which is a criminal act. So he has every right to do that.