Poses and lighting

This shot was taken during a workshop with Anouk.
One of the tips I always share during workshops is that lighting is not always something that you have to move to get different results, but that often a small change of the models pose or position can make a huge difference in how a shot looks.

For example when you look at the image above you can see that I use a lightshaper that gives me nice shadows and a nice contrasty look, now let’s take a look at the next shot.

It seems like I now switched from my contrasty light shaper to a more softer modifier, for example a small softbox… right?


Well actually that’s wrong.
Take a look at the background and you see that it’s exactly the same light shaper. Now when you look closer you can see that the only difference actually is that Anouk turned her body a bit more towards the light source creating a much flatter look. One could say “more flattering” although I prefer the more contrasty one in all honesty.

As you can see with minimal efforts you can change the look of a shot completely and give your client more to choose from.
Good luck.


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