ALCE review

During the time we are in the states for Photoshop World and the seminars in New York and Boston I have some guestbloggers that are helping me out in keeping you the readers interested 😀 Today it’s time for Erik Schimmel and he will give a review for a Photoshop plugin called ALCE.


After a fair bit of experience with this little known Photoshop plug-in filter, I’d like to share my thoughts. First of all I’m in no way connected to the developer of this software. I have the paid version that anyone can obtain via:


There are many, many ways to enhance an image in software. My preferred method is primarily working in the LAB space in Photoshop. Many years ago I bought Dan Margulis book, Photoshop LAB Color: The Canyon Conundrum and Other Adventures in the Most Powerful Colorspace. Since then I’ve been working more and more in LAB. There are quite a few things one can achieve in LAB that are near impossible in RGB color mode. For anyone who wants to improve their editing and take a new approach to color correction and control, knowledge of the LAB colorspace is a very useful thing to master.

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The final images from PI

I also wanted to share these images I shot during the Professional Imaging 2012.
Model : Linda
MUA : Linda from BeautyFX

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